Arctic Outdoor Gear

Arctix keeps you warmer.
Arctic outdoor gear. Designed after the same headwear worn by the u s. They are designed with features and styles for a year round active lifestyle. We have also redesigned our arctic boot and are looking forward to having it available by the 1st of november. As avid outdoorsmen we realize that the right gear makes all the difference in extreme conditions.
Shop arcticshield s selection of men s hunting clothing and apparel stay out longer. Temperatures and tolerances vary but one thing is constant. 100 of profits are given back to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Outdoor apparel hunting ice fishing swimwear our products deliver optimum warmth and comfort with insulating windproof and waterproof protection.
From backpacking to cycling to staying in shape and more outfit your outdoor activities with the latest gear clothing and footwear at rei. Don t let another morning of freezing in the stand send you home early. We are out of stock on several items but we are working diligently to have all items back in stock by mid october. Shirt jacket sweater tails are long boots are chunky mittens are long and hoods are large.
Whether you re headed for a cold blind or stand or actively stalking elk through the snow the right gear can be the difference between waiting for the perfect shot or going home empty handed because you headed in early. Please bear with us. All the extras and essentials you need to get the most out of your gear. Arctic cool is proud to provide the best in cooling products to help keep the summer heat at bay as well as increase your workout performance.
Made in the usa. Arctic gear thoughtfully crafts hats caps and beanies made from cotton fleece wool and acrylic materials. Generally antarctic gear appears rather too big when seen in isolation.